This past September, 2010, lost, homeless, abused and abandoned pretty much tell the last stories of so many dogs and cats here in northern New Mexico; but now and then miracles indeed happen. For weeks, Alicia Gyetvai a kind and alert woman saw a young dog wandering about in Eldorado’s Agora Shopping Center. A number of times the good-hearted woman attempted to follow the Red Heeler who usually ran into the busy road and just slipped away. A couple of weeks went by and the kind lady happened to look out her studio window just when the rib-skinny dog was passing by; headed it seemed toward a road culvert.
Gathering towels for bedding and food, she placed them in the culvert hoping the skinny stray would find them. Calls went out to Animal Control, but it is unknown if they responded? But a number of people advised of the dog’s plight, left food in the culvert. After several more weeks Jane Carson, the guiding light and founder of PAWS was appraised of the Red Heeler situation by Barbara Baca ,who expressed interested in possibly adopting Skinny Red if the dog could be captured and socialized. Once set on a course, Jane Carson wastes no time, she began leaving roast beef on Friday and Saturday nights while obtaining a “safe trap” from Santa Fe County Animal Control. On a Sunday night, Jane hauled the trap to one entrance of the culvert and baited the trap with more roast beef (it is not known if she included Yorkshire Pudding).
Nonetheless, hardly twenty minutes elapsed before Skinny Red was safely captured in the cage. Enter our next hero and heroine; Ed and Barbara Baca. On their way to church that Sunday, they stopped by at Jane’s invitation to see the now rescued dog. Understandably frightened and timid, the dog showed friendliness to the Baca’s; probably sensing that these people would do him no harm? The dog, once lost, was now really found, and appropriately re-named Milagro, as the new Baca family member.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Michael Pschorr |