Chato Y Gato
“Boss,” thought the ancient cat out loud, “I’m tired, more than tired, I think it is about time I go.”
He was dressed in his favorite tuxedo smoking jacket, now ragged to the point of disgrace. Neither he nor the boss minded how he looked as neither one of them entertained very often or went out. “Boss,” the ancient cat purred raggedly, “Boss, it was a rough beginning for both of us but I grew to like it here. I thank you for all those years. It was hard for me coming here from such a needless tragedy when my owner became suddenly gone and all of us four legs friends were separatedfrom each other. Then I came here and there were four large legged critters in residency in your workshop.
I just couldn’t handle it all. Sorry I wasn’t too sociable at first, but thanks for not giving up on me. I liked owning my own workshop with the large sunny window. I learned to love your four legged critters just like I learned to love you and Boss. I will miss all of you very much. You and I, we read a great deal together late at night about many subjects, usually history, but we never discussed much about history or religion or any other deep subjects. I would like you to know that I do have some convictions in that religious area - got them from St. Francis for the most part, you and me having those Catholic roots. I just want you to know that I believe somehow we’ll be reunited again across that great divide, and Boss, I’ll have that favorite cigar waiting for you.” Then the ancient cat wrapped his tattered coat about himself and was gone to the place of forever healing.
Often people particularly as they grow older upon losing a beloved pet simply can’t face losing yet another one so they take the simple way out, just do not get another one. In the case of the owner of ancient cat whose real name is Medicine neither Boss nor his wife thought this. Workshops need cats for practical purposes as well as companionship. There was the time of mourning, for driving up the driveway and still not see Medicine in his sunny window or walking into the workshop to see him in one of his favorite places. Boss and his best friends missed Medi sorely. It was put out to folks they knew that another workshop cat or kittens would be needed. It was felt that two young kittens would adjust the easiest to being new co-owners of workshop and Labrador dogs. Yet, no big effort was made to go searching. After all Medi would always be the number one owner so it seemed just not quite right yet to have anyone else in the role of workshop cat. The good thing about a heart is that it can constantly expand to include any number of pets inside its warm folds.
A mutual acquaintance of the wife and a PAWS lady made an introduction between wife and PAWS lady. PAWS is a small local animal placement and education organization that seems to be expanding and growing like the horse hair from a curry comb on a windy New Mexico day, all directions and often right back to them. The wife thought, “It will not sound like the perfect home for kittens when I tell her workshop, also there are dogs.” I wonder if it will be a three page questionnaire on why we offer the perfectly safe home for kittens like I filled out for my housecat?” The PAWS woman had a warm open smile with intuitive eyes that told her heart and her intelligent mind all she needed to know about people. Wife told the PAWS woman that she and her husband were in the market for kittens. The woman asked, “What would suit your needs?” She listened for a moment and then commented that she just loved labs. She said that currently the organization was not fostering any kittens. She understood that the primary wish was for short hairs and she would keep that in mind.
She took the contact information and promised to be in touch. Time went by and she wasn’t heard from, then one day just as the man and wife were wondering if their phone number had ended up under the teacup not used in a long while, she called! She listened for a moment and then commented that she just loved labs. She said that currently the organization was not fostering any kittens. She understood that the primary wish was for short hairs and she would keep that in mind. She took the contact information and promised to be in touch. Time went by and she wasn’t heard from. Then one day just as the man and wife were wondering if their phone number had ended up under the teacup not used in a long while, she called! I have two brothers. They are being fostered and are under two pounds. I will get an Internet picture to you.
You may not be interested as it seems they may turn out to be at least somewhat long haired. Immediately all of Medi’s tangles in his long hair was not thought of as such a problem any longer and the couple both agreed to “take a look.” “Take a look” translated from the universal animal loving language means “you are a goner!”
The PAWS lady arranged a time to bring the two “under two pounders but weaned to the workshop herself. The fifteen year old grandson was also part of the welcoming committee. He was visiting the couple for a month this summer. He had fairly recently lost his own personal cat of 12 years that he had spent all his savings and half his mother’s trying to save. The healing time began all the way around as the delicate but oh so curious kittens began to explore a closed off portion of the workshop. Details concerning security and upcoming shot appointments were discussed and then with a trusting smile that all would be well with the babies she took her departure. She said she would miss them and then turned her heart and thoughts to the next animal adventure that she knew would be waiting for her a phone call or e-mail away.
Chato y Gato were names chosen because they sounded cool together. It was thought that as personalities emerged appropriate names could be chosen. It seemed they were appropriate names. Today the two kittens are eight month old nine pounders. Truly they must be one of PAWS best success stories for they are beautiful, well adjusted and very smart. There was never an adjustment time, just a time to be a bit paranoid about the little furry beings so delicate at the time of arrival. Never knew who the foster parents were who did such a wonderful job of caring and adjusting these two little orphans. I, the wife, think it must be one PAWS best success stories for it is ours and Chato y Gato’s story , but I have a feeling there are a hundred more out there to be told.
Minnie Murray |